Maero, deceased leader of The Brotherhood is listed in the official voice cast. Veteran Child, deceased Gen.X DJ and Lieutenant of the Sons of Samedi, is listed in the official voice cast.
Warren Williams "EZ-Money", deceased rapper, music mogul, second in command and short lived leader of the Vice Kings is listed in the official voice cast. Anthony Green "Big Tony", deceased enforcer of the Vice Kings, is listed in the official voice cast. Tanya Winters, deceased lieutenant and short lived leader of the Vice Kings, is listed in the official voice cast. He is now the President's Chief of Staff. King featured in Saints Row, but has been only mentioned peripherally in the sequels. Benjamin King former Leader and founder of the Vice Kings appears in the 'Meet The President' trailer. Former Leader and founder of the Deckers, he is now an MI6 agent and Asha Odekar's personal assistant. , posted on twitter by Andrew S Bowen, the voice actor for Josh Birk. Matt Miller is shown in an image of Saints Row IV's script, showing a VR confrontation between Matt Miller and Nyte Blayde. Matt Miller appears in a Saints Row IV teaser image. Johnny Gat is mentioned in an Achievement named "Bouncin' with an Old Friend", the description says "Completed Gat's Quests, Loyalty Mission, and Romance". Oleg Kirrlov appears in an gameplay demonstration as a member of your security during the mission " The Saints Wing". , posted on twitter by Andrew S Bowen, the voice actor for Birk. Josh Birk's character, Nyte Blayde, is shown in an image of Saints Row IV's script, showing a VR confrontation between Matt Miller and Nyte Blayde. Josh Birk appears in the White House before the Zin invasion in a pre-release gameplay video of " The Saints Wing".
She is now the President's Press Secretary. Kinzie appears in a Saints Row IV teaser image.
Fun Shaundi was first revealed in the "War for Humanity" trailer.She is now the Director of the Secret Service. Shaundi appears in a Saints Row IV teaser image.He is now the President's Communications Director. Pierce appears in a Saints Row IV teaser image.The player character, known as Playa on this wiki, is the leader of the 3rd Street Saints, and newly elected President of the United Saints.This is a summary of the named Characters in Saints Row IV.įor unnamed characters, see Civilians#Saints Row IV.